lundi 3 mars 2008

Jour 301

L'homme le moins classe du monde

Der Spiegel, le 3 mars 2008 :

"with Sarkozy having been in office for less than a year, fears that the man in charge at Elysée Palace isn't completely reliable have been confirmed. It has been a long time since a French president has so sorely tested the patience of the German government. [...] Sarkozy likes to invoke the "great friendship" that he insists unites him with "dear Angela," but what he then says and does is often anything but friendly, at least from a German perspective."

et dans cette autre article :

"Sarkozy ought to be concerned about the shift in public opinion, and yet he still seems unimpressed by his critics. "I live my life," he says, "and I couldn't care less about the comments of others. During the last 12 years, people became accustomed to seeing grandpa and grandma in the Élysée. I have a new style. The whole world will have to get used to it. Now the French have a real man in the Élysée, a man who has something between his legs and uses it."" (mon emphase)