jeudi 27 mars 2008

Jour 325

L'assiette anglaise

Discours de Nicolas devant le Parlement britannique, Palais de Westminster, Mercredi 26 mars 2008 :

"je veux dire que nous partageons l’essentiel : le même humanisme, la même idée de l’Homme et que ce que nous appelons la civilisation occidentale, ce que nous appelons le progrès, la démocratie, la liberté"

Il semblerait en effet que la France et la Grande-Bretagne partagent certaines valeurs :

"The most comprehensive examination of the UK's asylum system ever conducted has found it "marred by inhumanity" and "not yet fit for purpose".[...] The commission found that Britain's treatment of asylum-seekers "falls seriously below the standards to be expected of a humane and civilised society".[...] The findings are the result of the most thorough look at the system in history, with testimonies from every sphere of society, including three former home secretaries, more than 100 NGOs, 90 asylum-seekers, the police, local authorities, and hundreds of citizens. [...] The use of detention centres – especially to lock up children, pregnant women and torture victims – was condemned, as was the often brutal handling of removals [...] "The detention of asylum-seekers is overused, oppressive and an unnecessary burden on the taxpayer," they said. The detention of children was in turn branded "wholly unjustified"." (The Independent, 27 mars 2008)